Saturday 21st September 2024

Hands On Day


20 Hours CPD
Over 6 Weeks

Saturday 21st September 2024

Hands On Day

20 Hours CPD - Over 6 Weeks

Core Teachings

Clinical Techniques

Greater Curve Matrix System
Learn from Dr Sunny who has been using the system exclusively since 2018 and is the only dentist in the world to be mentored by Dr Dennis Brown the inventor of the Greater Curve Matrix System.

Composite Placement

The most time effective methods for the most challenging situations we face daily using instruments that everybody has access to.

Simple Yet Efficient Approaches

We provide all you need to practice the DRE Way, so you can streamline and enjoy your career,
No more endless sifting through a matrix box!

Sales & Communication


Sales is often a taboo subject in dentistry after all we are in a healthcare profession. However we are also in the business of dentistry, learn ethical methods to boost case acceptance.

It’s no good being excellent at composite without mastering the conversations that help guide our patients to accepting the right treatment for them.


Are consent forms bulletproof? Many a clinician has come unstuck during litigation simply with a patient remarking "I didn't understand what I signed." We share our method to ensure our patients are providing informed consent.

We dive into setting & presenting fees so you can escape commodity pricing.

Technology & Workflows

AI and Consultation aids
The systems and software we use routinely to make things smoother and for a happier team. Artificial intelligence is here!

To increase hourly rate, increasing volume of work for the same time period without compromising on patient care. All with reproducible workflows that take the guesswork out of procedures.

Program Structure

Phase 1 - Online Theory Course

Instant Access
Get instant access to the DRE Online Theory Course as soon as you enrol.

Immediate Wins

Start employing what you learn in practice so you can enjoy more predictable composite restorations straight away!

Bite Size Videos

Everything you need to know to have well bonded composite restorations. Brought to you by trainers Dr Sunny and Dr Brown.

On Demand

Complete them around your busy schedule and at your own pace.

Prepared for Success

Arrive at your hands on day fully informed so you can get the most from your training.

Phase 2 - Hands On Day

Hands On Heavy

Dr Sunny brings his military experience to the DRE Hands on day to deliver a precision operation. In true army style you will get plenty of repetitions in.

1 on 1 Coaching
Small group sizes and multiple DRE Trainers means you will receive personalised one on one training.

Tooled Up

From your very own Greater Curve Starter Kit all the way down to the caries dye we use, leave the day with everything you need to practice #TheDREWay. No need to order anything!

Ready For Action

Finish the day with the fundamentals under your belt so you can get bonding with your new skills come Monday Morning.

Breakfast, Lunch & Evening Drinks Reception

Dietary requirements catered for.
Alcohol and Non Alcoholic Options available.

Phase 3 - Accountability Program

6 Weeks Online

The program does not end after the hands on day. Your cohort continues online with webinars, bite size lessons, case discussions and real time feedback for the next 6 weeks.


Make your time and energy count. We ensure this won't be another CPD/CE certificate for your collection gathering dust. Put your skills into action with ongoing support.


If you cannot make a live webinar, no stress, watch it on demand and still receive CPD/CE for the session. Revisit the discussions in your community group when convenient for you.

The 6 week program consists of exercises that build upon one another. We will cement your learning from the hands on day as well as progress towards more advanced applications.


We cover how you can solve the most challenging of problems. and then take a deep dive into sales, communication, consent, risk mitigation, workflows to bring it all together.

Same Day Support

Never practice alone. Our non judgemental community allows for anonymous posting so you can feel confident posting problems, sticking points & receive feedback the very same day!

Course Contents

Online Theory
Course Part 1

Principles Of Composite Bonding The core principles for successful bonding which can be applied right away for better bonding.

Introduction To The
Greater Curve Matrix System
I'll explain how the Greater Curve is so powerful and how it transformed my practice and life!

Shortcomings of
Sectional Matrices
Sectionals are all the rage on the internet but they do have their issues, here we discuss those and how we can overcome them.

Neutral is Best
Learn how to restore teeth in a neutral position. Surprisingly we do not rely on wedges to separate teeth in order to get a contact!

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Online Theory
Course Part 2

Hands On Your Hardware
Unpacking your kit so we are clear on terminology, what each component does and how it works.

Achieving Proper Contacts
Getting contacts between teeth, isn't always predictable. We break this down and share how we achieve proper contacts every time.

BOSS Method
The signature DRE approach for void free composites. Do it like a BOSS!

Tooth Anatomy &
Composite Placement
A simple way to conceptualise how teeth are shaped and how we can achieve this in the mouth.

Case Videos
Example cases of restoring teeth start to finish so you know what to expect on your hands on day.

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Hands On Day

Practical Rubber Dam
Rubber Dam, love it or hate it, learn our approach and spend no more than 60-90 seconds getting set up with perfect isolation!

Back To Back Posteriors
Let's get practicing the DRE approach for restoring simple and complex posterior cavities.

Tricky Class 3 & 5
Next up our novel approach to restoring Class 3 and 5 cavities simply and effectively.

Extreme Class 4
We challenge you with an extreme subgingival Class 4 which you'll restore freehand. See for yourself why Mylar strips and sectionals may not be the best choice.

Introduction to Sales & Communication
Our essential protocol for when tackling severely damaged teeth, so patients are clear and we can charge the appropriate fees.

Introduction to
Technology & Workflows
Take advantage of the technology and workflows we use in daily practice to make the whole day smoother and more enjoyable!

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Intelligence Brief 1

Webinar: Operation Fresh (Building On The Fundamentals)

  • The complete DRE Subgingival Methodology to tackle Anterior, Posterior & Class 5

  • Deep Margin Elevation made easy

  • The HOW Technique to completely arrest bleeding

  • Simple yet accurate gingivectomy anybody can do

  • Modifications to tooth tissue to ensure successful restoration

  • Emergence profiles demystified

  • Troubleshooting common problems

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Intelligence Brief 2

Webinar: Operation Diplomacy
(Sales, Communication & Consent)

  • Clear presentation of treatment option

  • Gaining informed consent

  • Presenting private options: Amalgam to Composite

  • Presenting private options:
    Metal Crown to White Crown

  • The DRE Treatment Ladder

  • Effective use of upsells and downsells for case acceptance

  • Handling objections

  • Fee setting and alternatives to commodity pricing

  • Using cutting edge software to enhance case acceptance

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Intelligence Brief 3

Webinar: Operation Precision
(Nuances & Advanced Cases)

  • What to do with atypically tall teeth or deep cavities

  • Introduction to using Greater Curve MicroThin matrix bands

  • Introduction to using Greater Curve Brass matrix bands

  • Restoring last tooth in the arch

  • The do's & dont's of PTFE Tape

  • Repairing composites

  • The truth about biologic width invasion

  • Profitable overdenture abutments

  • Pre Endodontic build up workflow

  • Restoring concavities and irregular shaped teeth

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Intelligence Brief 4

Webinar: Operation Risk Off

(De-risking our daily practice)

  • Avoiding pulp exposure with caries dye

  • Managing pulp exposure

  • Getting patients onside for undesirable outcomes

  • Protecting soft tissues & airway

  • Should we use pins/posts?

  • AI x-ray diagnostics and how best to utilise

  • The direct vs indirect debate

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Intelligence Brief 5

Webinar: Operation Advance

(The next level of composite)

  • Profitable quadrant dentistry

  • How to discuss multi unit dentistry with patients for case acceptance

  • The use of BulkEZ and Sonicfill

  • Easy black triangle closure with Greater Curve Brass matrix bands

  • Diastema closure protocol with Greater Curve Steel & Brass

  • Direct composite Onlays the DRE Way

  • Quadrant stamping and intra oral articulation

  • Ribbond for fractures

  • Ribbond for direct bridges

  • Bonding to porcelain

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The Results

Upon Completion You Will Be Able To

  • Tackle Subgingival Cavities & Elevate Deep Margins

  • Obtain Reliable Standalone Isolation
    & Enhanced Rubber Dam Isolation

  • Achieve Proper Contacts & Navigate Wide Spaces

  • Have No Risk Of Overhangs and Ledges

  • Restore Irregularly Shaped Teeth

  • Restore "Apple Cores" & "Wrap Around" Caries

  • Manage Overgrown Gingiva & Maintain Gingival Health

  • Avoid Kinks and Voids

  • Deal With Broken Cusps

  • Close Black Triangles/Diastema

  • Perform Efficient Pre Endodontic Build Ups
    & Avoid Pulpal Exposure

  • Communicate Fees Confidently

  • Gain Informed Consent

  • Tackle Subgingival Cavities

  • Perform Deep Margin Elevation

  • Obtain Reliable Isolation

  • Achieve Proper Contacts & Navigate Wide Spaces

  • Have No Risk Of Overhangs and Ledges

  • Restore Irregularly Shaped Teeth

  • Restore "Apple Cores" & "Wrap Around" Caries

  • Manage Overgrown Gingiva & Maintain Gingival Health

  • Avoid Kinks and Voids

  • Deal With Broken Cusps

  • Deal With Concavities

  • Close Black Triangles/Diastema

  • Perform Efficient Pre Endodontic Build Ups

  • Avoid Pulpal Exposure

  • Communicate Fees Confidently

  • Increase Case Acceptance

  • Increase Your Speed

  • Enjoy Dentistry More!

You'll Receive

You'll Receive

Still Not Sure? Listen To Our Delegates:

Fast Track Your Composite Mastery

21st September, 2024

Practical Day


Book Now & Secure Your Place Today For Just £1495!Enter Your Details Here ⬇️
No products available

Saturday 21st September 2024

Tower Suites by Blue Orchid Hotels

100 Minories
London, EC3N 1JY
0203 972 1600 

Hands On Day Program

08:45 - 09:00

Registration & Breakfast

09:00 - 09:30

Welcome to DRE!

09:30 - 10:00
Hands on Your Hardware
Achieving Proper Contacts
The Boss Method
Practical Rubber Dam

10:00 - 12:30
Simple Posterior
Tea/Coffee Break

Complex Posterior

12:30 - 13:15

Lunch Break

13:30 - 14:45

Complex Class 3 & 5

14:45 - 16:45

Extreme Class 4
Tea/Coffee Break

17:15 - 17:45

Debrief & Graduation

17:45 - Onward

Networking - Drinks Reception

Frequently Asked Questions

"How will this make my life better in my daily practice?"

Our delegates regularly tell us that working #TheDREWay they now:

  • Can provide the best care for their patients

  • Have less stress at work

  • Can bond composites predictably

  • Have confidence and less risk of litigation

  • Have increased hourly rates and TAKE home pay

  • No longer routinely run late

    If this sounds good to you, secure your place today. We sell out fast!

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"Will this course work for me?"

Our framework has been designed from the ground up for everybody - from beginner fresh out of university to the advanced practitioner.

We have combined Dr Dennis Brown's 40+ years experience, Dr Sunny's 13+ years experience and their battle tested techniques made for the real world ready for you to take into practice without endless trial and error.

The DRE Composite Course is an accelerated 6 week learning program, so you can tackle any restorative problem with the utmost confidence.

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"How many people will be on the course with me?"

We want you to have the very best learning experience.

That’s why we only allow a maximum of 20 delegates per Cohort.

It means your DRE Course instructor (The Drill Sergeant) and Training Staff will be able to give you the one on one time you need to get the most of of your investment.

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"Do you offer a guarantee?"


If for any reason you feel that the DRE Composite Course has not lived up to your expectations, just speak to Dr Sunny at the end of the hands on day, explain why you feel that way and he will give you your money back - no stress, no problem and no hard feelings.

(By the way this has NEVER happened but the offer is genuine, that's why you have absolutely ZERO risk when you enrol).

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"What's the point, can't I just do a crown if I can't do a composite?"

If the margins are subgingival than an indirect restoration may not help you navigate that.

First off you will need a well bonded restoration underneath for the indirect restoration to have the best chance of success. Foundations first.

Our techniques will enable you to perform deep margin elevation (DME) predictably in order to facilitate an indirect restoration even in the most difficult of subgingival situations.

Additionally you will be able to achieve proper contacts even with wide spaces directly with composite without the need to cut the patients tooth down.

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"Will this work with amalgam?"

100% Yes!

Imagine being able to place amalgams with worrying about those dreaded overhangs and the horrid feeling of taking recall radiographs with doubt and uncertainty over the restorations integrity.

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"I’ve used curved bands before, how is The Greater Curve® different?"

You may have used curved bands before but ours are the original and best patented Greater Curve® bands.

Our bands use proprietary metals with thicknesses that have been painstakingly developed over almost 30 years to produce a system that can be used to tackle even the most demanding of situations.

Imitation bands are thicker and have different composition. Our techniques do not work with imitation matrices.

That means they won’t get you the results you and your patients want.

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Join the DRE Community Today

Dr Jaz Gulati

Dentist/ Protrusive Dental Podcast

Dr Emma Still


Dr Fayaaz Kassam


Dr Balvir Jadeja


Dr Vishal Patel


Dr Amrit Sahl


Dr Fahd Khan


Dr Uzma Qasi


Dr Carl Agyeman


©2024 DRE Composite Ltd - All Rights Reserved

©2024 DRE Composite Ltd - All Rights Reserved