DRE Composite Ltd
Contact details:
You allow us to contact you via contact details obtained through the booking to send you communications and updates about your upcoming course.
Privacy and photography:
The material provided by DRE Composite Ltd via our courses is for your own personal use only.
Our material may not be copied, communicated, recorded, or distributed without the express permission of DRE Composite Ltd.
We routinely take photographs of our courses in progress including video footage for educational and promotional material.
These may be used on our website, social media, online in general and in printed material.
Should you wish to not be included please let us know via email at hello@drecomposite.com prior to your course day and arrangements will be made to respect your privacy.
No mobile phone or video recordings of our courses are permitted and permission must be gained from your fellow delegates before taking images or videos of them.
Pandemic Announcement:
Our scheduled courses will take place in line with the Government Guidelines. In case of forced cancellation due to Government regulations, all the bookings will be kept but rescheduled to a later date.
We will update you in the event of any change.
Should you then decide you do not wish to attend then please see the refund policy below.
Should you require to cancel your course booking you will receive 70% of your booking fee back as a refund. Alternatively, if you would like to transfer your place to a colleague, this can be arranged with us.
Simply email hello@drecomposite.com with your colleague's full details.
You agree to settle the financial balance between you and your colleague.
DRE Composite is not involved in the financial transaction only in allocating your place to your colleague.
Should you be unable to attend this course and can provide evidence that it was medically necessary or due to bereavement/accident/emergency, then of course we will book you onto another date and hope you have a speedy recovery.
Please be sure you read and understand our terms before booking.